The Industrial Court is stationed with two (02) judges appointed by the H.E The President of the Republic of Uganda on the recommendation of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). The Head Judge heads the station and assisted by a Judges. They are mandated to adjudicate and arbitrate labour matters in the court.
The administration is headed by the Registrar of the court who has supervisory powers over any other court staff at the court who is mandated to cause listing the Labour matters for hearing and also has powers to execute orders from Labour officers and also the awards of the court, powers to mediate in the Labour matters referred to the court.

The Industrial Court has Eleven (15) Panelists in total who are forwarded by trade Unions such as NOTU, COFTU and Federation of Uganda Employers(FUE) and appointed by the Ministry of Gender, labour and Social development (MGLSD). They form a quorum to hear a labour dispute at the industrial court (one who is neutral, employer representative and Employee representative).The Court operates on session based on which labour matters are cause listed for hearing.The quorum in a labour dispute is constituted by Five (05) Honorable members (02 Honorable judges and 03 panelists).During the hearing of a labour dispute, the panel is helped by the Court clerks who call the Files.
The Court sits in open on a day to day basis including the public holidays (Where necessary), and should declare the its findings not later than twenty one (21) days from date of commencement of the hearing of the Labour Claim.
List of Court Panelist
Workers Representatives
- Ms. Harriet Mugambwa Nganzi
- Ms. Aciro Beatrice
- Ms. Robinah Kagoye
- Ms. Nabirye Suzan
- Mr. Patrick Katende
Employers Representatives
- Ms. Rose Gidongo
- Ms. Julian Nyachwo
- Mr. Frankie Xavier Mubuuke
- Mr. Matovu Michael
- Mr. Can Amos Lapenga
Independent Members
- Mr. Rwomushana Jack Reuben
- Mr. Bwire John Abraham
- Mr. Ebayu Fidel
- Ms. Adrine Namara
- Mr. Musimbi Jim